What About Adoption?

When a woman is experiencing an untimely pregnancy, she can feel isolated and fearful, especially is without the usual support systems in place.  Many women will consider parenting their child, many will consider abortion as the way out of their difficulties, but only a small percentage of women will seriously contemplate adoption.

This is in part because adoption has been given a bad name. People often say, “I could never give up my child  for adoption.” For many, their understanding of adoption makes it seem like they are abandoning their baby but nothing could be further from the truth. See great article from birth mom. 

Today, adoption provides strong support and care for mothers throughout the birthing process, total control over every step of the process, the right to have a long-term relationship with her child after the adoption, and freedom of choice over which family will receive her baby.  Adoption is a truly loving option.

To find out more about adoption, visit love4life.ca. This is a great resource designed to assist someone who has discovered an untimely pregnancy and addresses the common misconceptions about adoption and how to regain control over both her and her child’s future.

Perhaps getting pregnant was a mistake, but abortion can be a bigger one.

“Every woman… has a trauma at destroying a pregnancy… This is a part of her own life. When she destroys a pregnancy, she is destroying herself.”

Dr. Julius Fogel, Psychiatrist/Obstetrician who has preformed over 20,000 abortions.