At this time of year, CRTL hosts our Speak up For Life Event to commemorate the anniversary of the day the Supreme Court of Canada struck down our abortion law (Jan 28, 1988), which made abortion available on-demand. We typically visit the office of one of our representatives to bring forward a timely concern. Due to unforeseen circumstances, we have  had to reschedule our visit; however, we have  delivered the following letter (right) to our newest Member of Provincial Parliament, Brian Riddell, on your behalf. 

Please consider following up with MPP Riddell  about this concerning issue.

MPP Brian Riddell
Cambridge Place, Suite 409
73 Water St. N
Cambridge, ON N1R 7L6

February 15, 20223

Dear Mr. Riddell,

Congratulations on your successful election into provincial office and also ‘welcome’ to the neighbourhood!  We are one of your neighbours down the street, and we hope that together we’ll be able to accomplish great things!

By way of introduction, for more than forty years, Cambridge Right to Life has been a voice and educational organization in our community, established to promote the sanctity of human life from conception until natural death.  Our advertising campaigns reach many of our Cambridge residents and visitors.  We hope you have seen them.  We are doing what we can to speak life-affirming values into the community. But from our vantage point, we are observing a gloomy trend:

In its most recent (July ’22) issue of the Annual Report on MAiD in Canada 2021, the Federal Government has revealed that, since its introduction in 2016 until 2021, Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD) has already claimed 31,664 lives in Canada.  Each year the number was greater than the previous one.  Expansions for access to euthanasia and assisted suicide in 2021 (Bill C-7) and another approval pending (for persons with mental illness,) are sending a message to those who suffer that death is a solution which our government sanctions and will finance. The federal government is failing to acknowledge Canadians’ inherent value by offering ‘easy death’ over loving care, when life’s challenges of chronic illness, pain, aging or environment become too great to handle on one’s own.  For many Canadians this has become a personal issue when loved ones, at the weakest time in their lives, who can’t see a ready solution for mental, physical or palliative health care, are “choosing” to die, rather than burden their family members.  Given inadequate or inaccessible supports, we wonder:  did they even have a choice?!  We vouch that the death of every person, young or old, is a tragic loss for their families, communities and indeed our country.  Albert Schweitzer, Nobel Peace prize winner, philosopher and physician, once said, “If a man loses his reverence for any part of life, he will lose his reverence for all life.”  Let us not be found guilty of such negligence! 

We are aware that the provincial government invests $74.7 million a year to provide palliative and end of life care for Ontarians and an additional 41.6 million has been invested in “primary care and home community care” to build more than 200 residential beds.  Mr. Riddell, how is the provincial health funding budget helping Cambridge residents?  Are the investments addressing the growing need for additional home support and hospice beds in our community?

We have viewed stats recorded as of September 30, 2022 that show in the Waterloo Region alone, 271 persons have been euthanized. According to the 2020 “Cost Estimate for Bill C-7 Medical Assistance in Dying” report, it is clear that MAiD is not at all about providing “healthcare,” but rather, its provision is a cost reduction incentive for provinces. Has the Ontario government concluded that it is cheaper to provide MAiD than to provide appropiate end of life care? We calculate that it cost Waterloo taxpayers $921,400.00 to kill 271 Waterloo citizens ($3,400 per person). There is no doubt that the stats today would show a continuing increase in loss of life, directly attributed to MAID (which we believe is not Health Care).

Mr. Riddell, the need for health funding continues to grow.  As our provincial representative, we are asking that you help redirect funds toward health services that reaffirm the human dignity inherent to every person regardless of age, disability or illness, such as palliative care and hospice services.  Funding should be sought and used as an investment in the wellbeing of individuals, not to assist in the purposeful death of Canadians.  We call on your assistance in reversing the alarming trend being developed by our national death advocates. 

Thank you kindly for all you are already doing and for taking the time to read our letter.  We would welcome further correspondence in writing, by telephone or a face-to-face visit to share and understand your perspective on this issue.  Thanks again.

Sincerely, for Life,

Myra Klaassen,
Cambridge Right to Life

CC: Attachments:
Annual Report on MAiD in Canada 2021, Cost Estimate for Bill C-7 Medical Assistance in Dying

Office of the Chief Coroner/Ontario Forensic Pathologist Service MAiD Data