Walk For Life
Latest Past Events
Grace Bible Church 2 Grand Ave. South, CambridgeJoin us for our 2023 Walk for Life in person or remotely on Saturday, September 23rd. Please note our new location. Grace Bible Church: 2 Grand Ave. South Access: side entrance of the parking lot from Salisbury Ave. Additional parking: The Bread Factory & Library Refreshments to follow Registration begins at 9:30 am and the walk commences at 10:00. Refreshments will follow the walk. There is a chance for prizes for students who participate for every $10 pledge raised. Students can earn volunteer hours as well. TO WALK REMOTELY: as in the past 2 years many of you have walked remotely on our behalf to raise funds. If you prefer this option again this year please collect [...]
Walk for Life 2022
The Galt Legion 4 Veterans Way, CambridgeJoin us for our 2022 Walk for Life in person or remotely on Saturday, September 24th. The IN PERSON WALK will take place at the Galt Legion with registration at 9:30am and the walk beginning at 10:00am. Refreshments will follow the walk. There is a chance for prizes for students who participate for every $10 pledge raised. Students can earn volunteer hours as well. TO WALK REMOTELY: as in the past 2 years many of you have walked remotely on our behalf to raise funds. If you prefer this option again this year please collect sponsors, gather as a family and/or grab a few friends and choose a 5km route of your choice and walk on or [...]