If you are suffering from infertility, please take the time to watch the videos below.
NaProTECHNOLOGY is a unique system of Health Care which is a contemporary approach to women’s health. NaPro is used for achieving, avoiding and postponing pregnancy in a way that respects life, women and marriage, by identifying clear biological markers in a women’s cycle. In addition, many gynecological disorders can be identified and corrected through systematic tracking of the woman’s cycle and therapy based on the science of NaPro Technology.
NaPro helps with:
- Monitoring, maintaining and evaluating a woman’s health
- Providing women with knowledge and understanding of her own gynecological health
- Allowing her to actively participate in her own health care
- Identifying ovarian cysts, effects of stress, miscarriage risk management and hormonal problems
- Allowing treatment for PMS, infertility, multiple miscarriage, high-risk pregnancy, ovarian cysts, and irregular cycles, through co-operative hormone replacement therapy.
For more information on this emerging and exciting field, you can click on the following link: www.naprotechnology.com