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Respect Life Month Pamphlet

The month of May is Respect for Life Month here at Cambridge Right to Life. During May, we double, triple, and quadruple our efforts to reach out to the community to share the beauty of choosing life for all generations and at all stages.

The first weekend in May, many local churches included our Life Giving Love pamphlets either in their bulletins or in common areas at their churches. These pamphlets highlighted our biggest events during May, including our annual Coffee & Dessert evening and mini life chains.

On Mother’s Day weekend and the weekend after, St. Gregory’s Church’s Christian Service initiative put up a Right to Life display which included resources on the topics of abortion, euthanasia, post-abortion healing, and healthy sexual choices.

On May 11th, a group of students from a local school visited the Marian Residence retirement home as part of Cambridge Right to Life’s Caring Hearts, Sharing Hearts school outreach program. The students performed songs for the residents and then joined them for conversation. It was a wonderful afternoon that brought the younger and older generations together.

Director Viviana (left) with her brother and mom

Director Viviana (left) with her brother and mom

On Thursday, May 12th, we joined area Right to Life groups on a bus trip to Ottawa for the National March for Life. Over 20,000 people were there, the majority of them young people full of passion for the pro-life movement. One of those young people was our own director, Viviana. She is pictured here with her brother and mother. We are looking forwarded to sending the bus again to the March for Life next year!

But That’s Not All!

Cambridge Right to Life has more events yet to come this month. Thursday, May 19th is our annual Coffee & Dessert evening. The guest speaker will National Post journalist Charles Lewis. We have a Full House attending to hear Mr. Lewis speak about the dangers of legalized euthanasia and assisted suicide. This is a very personal issue for him, for he suffers from a spinal condition that leaves him in daily pain. It is sure to be a very insightful and timely talk.

We also have another Mini Life Chain coming up on the last Friday of the Month. May 27th from 7pm to 8pm we will be standing on Hespeler Road across from the Applebee’s witnessing to the value of all human life.

As you can see, May is a Very Busy Month for our office and our faithful supporters! It is so wonderful to be able to reach out to the community in such a wide variety of ways.

If you are interested in learning more about what we do or how you can get involved, contact our office at 519.623.1850 or info@cambridgerighttolife.ca. We would love to hear from you!