Babies Born Alive After Abortion Are Left to Die – 150 in 2018

Babies born alive following an abortion is not a new phenomenon in Canada. It has occurred since the 1969 abortion law was passed with an amendment made to the Criminal Code of Canada which allowed abortion under certain conditions. A 1975 brief by Alliance for Life presented to Parliament highlighted this often ignored outcome of abortion: "For the past few years, there have been several hundred hysterotomies performed annually in Canadian hospitals. A hysterotomy, which is similar to a caesarean section, results in the delivery of a live child. The child is then left deliberately to die, a process that takes anywhere from a few minutes to several hours. Nurses are forbidden tto make any attempts to [...]

Babies Born Alive After Abortion Are Left to Die – 150 in 20182020-01-18T17:09:30-05:00

Law With No Teeth

No matter where you stand on abortion, we all should be horrified that 491 babies were born alive and left to die between 2000 and 2009 in Canada, as confirmed by Statistics Canada. According to how our country defines when a person becomes a human being, these children should have been protected.  The Canadian Criminal Code states: 223. (1) A child becomes a human being within the meaning of this Act when it has completely proceeded, in a living state, from the body of its mother, whether or not (a) it has breathed; (b) it has an independent circulation; or (c) the navel string is severed. Killing child (2) A person commits homicide when he causes injury [...]

Law With No Teeth2013-06-26T09:53:47-04:00
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