Prematurity and Abortion in Canada

In 2012, the National Post compiled a large analysis of the statistics for Abortion & Canada. Some of the data they uncovered was that there were 93,755 abortions reported to government agencies in 2009, and that 1.9% of abortions were done after 21 weeks gestation. Abortion advocates brush this number off as though it means nothing, but how many lives and stories does this truly represent? 1.9% of 93,755 = 1781.3 Children born after 21 weeks gestation can survive outside the womb, but the National Post reveals that Canadians killed at least 1781 of those children in one year alone. That's 4-5 babies per day being killed instead of being delivered alive and given a chance to survive. [...]

Prematurity and Abortion in Canada2016-12-20T11:56:48-05:00

National Newspaper features info-graphic on abortion

The National Post featured a very informative and sobering info-graphic breaking down the number of abortions performed in Canada in 2009 by province and age of mother and child. Click here to download graphic. Please note that the actual figure is much higher since the data does not include abortions performed in Quebec, clinic data for British Columbia is incomplete due to voluntary reporting, and abortions performed on women who reside outside Ontario but who have received an abortion in an Ontario clinic are not included. On a similar note, it was recently reported that 491 babies were born alive and left to die following failed abortions in Canada from 2000 to 2009. See Law with [...]

National Newspaper features info-graphic on abortion2013-06-26T09:51:13-04:00
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