Prematurity and Abortion in Canada

In 2012, the National Post compiled a large analysis of the statistics for Abortion & Canada. Some of the data they uncovered was that there were 93,755 abortions reported to government agencies in 2009, and that 1.9% of abortions were done after 21 weeks gestation. Abortion advocates brush this number off as though it means nothing, but how many lives and stories does this truly represent? 1.9% of 93,755 = 1781.3 Children born after 21 weeks gestation can survive outside the womb, but the National Post reveals that Canadians killed at least 1781 of those children in one year alone. That's 4-5 babies per day being killed instead of being delivered alive and given a chance to survive. [...]

Prematurity and Abortion in Canada2016-12-20T11:56:48-05:00

Law With No Teeth

No matter where you stand on abortion, we all should be horrified that 491 babies were born alive and left to die between 2000 and 2009 in Canada, as confirmed by Statistics Canada. According to how our country defines when a person becomes a human being, these children should have been protected.  The Canadian Criminal Code states: 223. (1) A child becomes a human being within the meaning of this Act when it has completely proceeded, in a living state, from the body of its mother, whether or not (a) it has breathed; (b) it has an independent circulation; or (c) the navel string is severed. Killing child (2) A person commits homicide when he causes injury [...]

Law With No Teeth2013-06-26T09:53:47-04:00

Coffee & Dessert Evening – When are we human?

Please join us on Thursday, May 24th, 2012 at 7:00 pm for our Annual Coffee & Dessert Evening in the parish hall of St. Ambrose Church (210 South Street). MP Stephen Woodworth (Kitchener Centre) who is challenging the current definition of “human being” within the Canadian Criminal Code will speak about his Motion 312. Mr. Woodworth's motion states, "Parliament has a solemn duty to reject any law that says some human beings are not human." Tania Rosario will provide musical entertainment. Tania is a Secondary School Teacher and Head of Religion & Family Life at Monsignor Doyle Catholic Secondary School. Tania has been nominated for the 2012 Bernice Adams Awards in the area of music and performing arts due to her [...]

Coffee & Dessert Evening – When are we human?2012-08-01T10:16:53-04:00
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